Thursday, 15 September 2011

Hauntings and Hurricanes

Just tidied up and sitting at the table. Where to begin? No real idea what to write - as hurridly getting to a position where I.

Oh, there's another loud bang. Now they are taking the piss. Not scared though. (2 minute break) Not for myself anyway.

Ahem... getting into a position where I could give this blogging thing an uninterrupted piece of time and get into the habit of writing and noting things. Problem is, whilst doing those tasks, the mind burns with ideas, but by the time you are at the launchpad, advancing years tend to make you forget them. Don't think it's a medical condition yet though... I'm just too easily distracted.

I said it today. Actually said it. I meant it too.

Funny, now I know that my experiment to publicise this yielded the expected result, it is even easier to be open. What will be will be. Having sent a couple of tweets to 'celebrities' asking them for a retweet, I waited 12 hours or so then deleted the requests. I briefly alluded to it on facebook - having soooooo many 'facebook friends' but went no further. That did offer a few people the opportunity to get here -"find the key!"  - that's what was exhorted by an inside friend overseas. I didn't realise he was being both cryptic and direct at the same time. Enjoyed that, thanks.

Got rid of the comb. Broke it in half and threw it in the bin. Will empty the bins at an undisclosed destination after dark. That's dealt with that then.

First item moved back in. Very welcome. Would like something alive.

Which is where we come to Caspar... The roof spooked me a little as heights have never been my thing. Looking down is OK, but looking up can be dizzying. Unless with a telescopic sight. Anyway, I am rather pale and thin, (will never have a fat ass) and tend to spook around the building at night. Rarely seen to be eating, and not really having much effect on what goes around in the real world. I know my chicken.

Have other writings to do later, and pix to move about. At least this exercise DOES provide some motivation and a kick-start to a block of activity. Quality time is so vital - how often do you spend doing exactly as you wish, without any form of obligation involved. So many times one 'ought' to go to some form of regulated entertainment, we all fall victim to the concept of 'quality time' before a screen. Are we heading to complete 24-hour on-line status communication? It's already possible with close friends to figure out their movements, sleeping and work habits from their on-line status. And their GPS location too. Couple with 'street view' and anybody could be anywhere and next to you.

Sorry, but I want the physical communication for it to be real.

Where did that come from? First impulse was to delete it immediately, but I only delete a few characters on principle. Not just because they don't sound right, or the grammer is incorre

Shit another distraction. Delivery of the magazine... Run downstairs - a cigarette by the car, and a glimpse at the contentious article. Shit. Not as I sent it. Shit. Photos different, but at least not as bad as first draft. Photo of us... Shit. And we look like a wedding couple. What to do? Phoned to warn her immediately. She'd seen the picture in the proofs and commented "That one... out!" for that reason. She doesn't want to see the magazine now, but better had before I show it to her friends. Or do I? Must show it to her - they'll see it anyway, since it is about their place. I really wanted to do something nicer for them. They are lovely, friendly and warm people, and I certainly didn't want to put any form of pressure on her. But I said it. Had been long debating the response to my saying it, as have had several warnings about going in that direction, but on leaving tonight, she actually said it to me, enabling a truly heart-felt response that came so naturally... as if I'd already said it to her a thousand times.

I'm not saying it to anybody else. Will read the rest of the magazine, and get back to you in a bit.

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